
This remarkable heat detecting technology can assist in isolating sub-clinical inflammation and help in creating a shoeing plan for existing lameness.


What is Thermography?

A thermogram is a non-invasive diagnostic image that graphically represents the surface temperature distribution of an object. Increased or reduced blood-flow has a measurable impact on the surface temperature of mammals. This change in blood-flow can be an indicator of inflammation and, when used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools, a more complete picture can be attained. This diagnostic modality is completely safe because the camera only interprets the infrared radiation given off naturally by the horse. No sound waves or harmful radiation are applied to the horses tissues therefore no sedation is necessary.


Improved Outcomes

This image shows the solear aspect of a horses right forefoot with long toes and low heels. The sole and heels of this foot show evidence of inflammation. The medial heel (green arrow) clearly shows that there is increased thermal activity compared with the heat signature of the lateral heel (orange arrow). This evidence was combined with a hoof-tester examination along with a dynamic assessment at the trot. Collectively, the observation tools confirmed this assumption and a unique shoeing plan was adopted.